Monday, March 15, 2010

Lets have a baby...cow.

Once upon a time. there was a baby...cow. And this baby...cow was dumb.

I got bored. Now I am thinking of pizza. I want pizza. Oh gross. Nope not anymore, that's gross.

Today is my day. My day to make the buss move. My day to choose. Tomorrow is not my day! Oh How I will enjoy tomorrow!!!

Oh my goodness gracious! Gasp!!! How awesome is it to sit in a question answer session for two hours and getting an amazing person to answer your hard questions!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!

This 9-19 Fun!!! 25-5-1 for 14-21-13-2-5-18-19, sometimes.

So, concert protocoll....packing...harps....palm man fro....ocean....cement....white sound barrier....ROAD DETUR...electrical trees ugh. Ugh. HAPPY!!! It's s'all good!!!

Happy is good. I like happy!

Thursday, March 11, 2010 this is school...............?

I am the grand canyon.
.....Nope just studying the grand canyon.

I am a dead Mitochondria.
.....Nope just reading about Mitochondria.

I am a freshly made pot.
......Nope just learning about if that pot is art.

So....sometimes. When I study. My brain takes a vacation.
How am I supposed to remember what I study?
If my brain is in...say Italy? Or Cali?... smile!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tis The Season Fer OSD...bummer.

Seems like everytime I turn around someone is suffering from OSD.  OSD is not actually a for real disorder but concerning me and everyone in my perspective, it does. OSD is Over Scheduling Disorder. My mother pinned this disorder on me a while back. It's still pinned. Can't shake it. I believe it to be hereditary because she has it too. Actually, being in college I see many who suffer from it. I tried clearing my schedule. I've tried just dropping everything. I've tried being lazy. Nothing seems to work. The only thing I enjoy doing out of those three is having lots to do and to be productive!
