Sunday, December 19, 2010


Sometimes I hear people calling themselves weird. I even at times call myself weird. But I thought about it and realized why the heck do I call myself weird and why are they doing it? It doesn't quite make sense. I have lived with myself in all my oddity for twenty one years. I am very used to myself by now. I know I do things that others may stare at me as if I have three heads. But that doesn't make me weird does it? Doesn't that make them weird? They act abnormally in my perspective? Or has our culture really defined us to the point where we believe that we are selves are abnormal? If you really think about it, define normal. Everyone is different. With a different story. With a different background. Different quirks. Yeah sure there are those that are truly abnormal but they all have a reason to be so. (ex. birth defect, huge occurrence in life.) I feel like abnormal is normal. It would be weird if everyone was named Bob and Jane and did the same things at the same time all the time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Funk-ee town-less.

I am in a funk. I don't like funks. Most of the time I blame it on being a girl but I do not actually believe that is the source of all the funk-ness. When I am in a funk I act odd. Out of character. I like my character and I prefer to remain in character. I want my funk to be gone.

Updates from my life.
I went to visit Ann in California a couple weeks ago. It was such the blast. We did boring things together but because we did them together they were so awesome. Like driving to the post box four times in a week. Or driving down memory lane while we were lost. Cheesy wedgers at The box! Movies but the truck load. Ann is cool. She pretty much completes me. (I was saying it to be cheesy but there is some truth to the statement.) She has been a friend to me ever since high school. It was an unlikely duo formed in the midst of being thrown together for twelve hours a day for months. She has been there for me when I'm hurting. She is there to tell me I am an idiot. She rolls her eyes at me while laughing hysterically, cause lets face it, I am hysterical. I love her so much and would do just about anything for her. She is my best friend and I am so grateful for her in my life. She is awesome in a mega way. To the infinity power. I hate that she is all the way in Cali. That seems eons away from Utah. Grr man. Grr.

Keim is getting married in a week. One week. Crap man. Then she is moving to North Carolina. I am so super excited for her!!!!!!!!!!! Sad cause she will be miles and miles away but she will be with her awesome hubby in the east! She always makes me laugh. Love her for that. And so many other great qualities she's got.

Kyla is getting married in three... yeah three ish weeks. I love this girl to death. She is like a soul sister...sorta. She is amazing in so many different ways. We can get so hyper and silly and random together, it's fantastic. Her and her fiance are so cute together. Adorable really. And he is so good to her. She will be moving up north to Logan. Not to far away but farther than I want her. I will miss her so much. Pizza and ranch always.

I threw a birthday for another amazing friend of mine. She is so awesome and does not even realize how much so she is. I doubt she knows how much she has influenced me in my life. It was an awesome party if I do say so myself. We laughed, played games, ate bad for you food, played more games and then everyone left. But six of the female variety. It was such a fun party. Highlights for me were: Lizette having a good time at her party, the guys who came that are oh so good looking, being King at scum three times in a row (boo-yah baby!!), learning a new game (werewolf), playing Smurf, the good attendance, MASH of course, and spending time with so many awesome people...mainly from my ward.... and they are so very amazing. Yeah but really I am glad it went well because Lizette deserves it. A good birthday is awesome and can go a long way.

Julie and I got to spend an epic day together shopping, talking and laughing. Then her and MAT Shelley (her love-dove hubby) came over to my Fam's house for dinner. So good to have them both over. I love them so much. And p.s we went Christmas shopping and I am so very excited for Christmas this year! I am always excited for it. But even more so this year. I am making everyones gifts. They are going to be of epic porportions. Because I am not sure if my brothers read my blog or not I will not be telling you what they are but I will tell you that they are super sweet!!! As in sick!!! That means like dope! (Shout out to Keim.) And no they are not birdhouses or mugs or the like. They are ligit man! Oh and Julie. She is married to MAT Shelley if you didn't guess from the above comment. She is pretty much an angel. Always there. Patient beyond belief with me. Deals with my crazy insane-ness as everyday happenings. Love her forever and always. She is moving probably to Cedar or AZ. Both are far away.

Are you seeing a pattern in my friends marriage habbits? Marriage and move! What are they thinking that they can have a life or something? Gosh some people! Sheesh! (For those who can not hear my voice while reading the above was sarcastic. Just saying.)

I have not been getting sleep lately. Worry in the head. Sidetracked from sleep. Crazy ideas of Christmas. Restlessness. Funks. You know. The usual. No big deal. I only get more tired. That is always fun to deal with!

Oh and fun fact for you. As I was writing about all my amazing friends and how awesome they are I did not feel as Funk-filled and it was awesome!!!! They help just by my thinking of how they have helped me previously. Yep. They are that cool. (*Insert shoulder shrug and wiping of shoulder of invisible dust*)

I love my friends. In fact one of them I have not mentioned yet but is also very amazing. She is the sweetest, kindest person I know. She radiates goodness. We were talking once about how friends leave our life's too quick for comfort and she told me a quote she heard once. "Friends in the Gospel are friends forever." It means so much to me. Heaven does not sound like it will be heaven with out my family and my friends.