Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thing 12 of 30

A picture of something I LOVE!!!!!!

I know 'A' infers one picture but it's my blog so there is more than one. Enjoy!

Ok...I know I am repetitive but I don't think I could ever say it enough!
I love my FAMILY!!!!

I love RANCH!!!

I love the feel of a FRESH HAIRCUT!!!

I love CHEESE!!!!!

I love the feel, smell and look of CLEAN CLOTHES!!!!

I love FOOD in general!!!!!

I love to LAUGH and listening to LAUGHTER!!! 
(Which is great because I know some very hilarious people!!)

I love the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ!!
I love my scriptures!
I love attending the Temple!!
I love my forever family!
I love the Atonement!
I love communication (prayer) with God!

I love the smell of LEMONS!!!!

I love MUSIC!!!!!

I love RAIN!!!!

I love RAINBOWS!!!!

I love to watch the SUNRISE!!!

And SET!!!!!!

I love the feeling of COLD WATER as it runs down my throat first thing in the morning!!!!!

I love YELLOW!!!

I love the smell of FRESHLY MOWED GRASS!!!!!

I love my FRIENDS!!!! (I will picture them on another 'Thing')

There are more but I figure this is a good list.

What do you love?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thing 11 of 30

A picture of Something I hate.... Hmm....


There are maybe a couple more things that truly disgust me but these suffice. 


Friday, June 10, 2011

Thing 10 of 30

A picture of the person I do the most messed up things with:

Well... my deffinition of messed up is not deranged and demented, it's more of ... random crazy acts that your would not normally do.

That person would probably be... Kyla.

We went dumpster diving and found that thing and called it our chariot. We then pushed each other up and down the parking lot making horse noises and enlisting our macho guy friends to push us and then we pushed them. So bueno.

Color Fest. I know everyone and their dog in Utah does this but I just like her face in it.

We made a french fry baby named Friedrico Bakey Jendair. He was ugly. 

She got Jonas Brother folders for school and decided she liked our faces better.

We strapped pillows onto ourselves, front and back, and then ran full speed into each other. So much fun!

We toilet papered our Bishops house as part of Pajama Llama Day.

I love that girl so much! She has helped me be a better person! I love having her in my life! Just saying.

I am a closet baker... and proud of it. Don't tell my mother!

I LOVE baking muffins. There is something quaint and comforting about them. I would love to dabble in bread making. And making any kind of tart would be divine. But. I have one rule when I bake. I MUST wear my tutu. Laugh if you will. But I swear, it releases my creative juices and I enjoy baking more!

The beautiful creation before your eyes is a lemon poppy seed muffin with a raspberry filling. It is so delicious!