I GOT MY CALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It came! It finally came! My mission call arrived!!!!!!!!!!!! After only two weeks of waiting!!!!!! I know, I know! I'm so psyched! All the time!!! Ok... so my super hip and cool mom took a video of me opening my call so you can experience the moment too!!! Awesome Right?
This is the area in which I will be serving.... all the highlighted yellow!
Ok. The reason why there has been a lack of posting: I just haven't done it.
It's the typical 'I got busy and didn't think about doing it.' I can back this up though I really can. I go to work before the crack of dawn. It's like the pre-crack of dawn, when dawn is not even cracked. Why do I visit dawn before she has cracked you may ask? So I can go to work and get a paycheck. Yes Ma'am. Or Sir. I won't discriminate. Then I work for a long while and come home and help my mom make dinner. I do have the few hours between bed and dinner in which I could have but usually I am trying to get the things done that I cant do when I'm at work. Like laundry. I thought I could pull off the whole 'I'm not washing my clothes because I'll rub off my luck' but I'm not Irish so that didn't fly. I'm actually Scottish, well a tiny part of me is, not sure which part yet though.
But I'm posting now!!!! Excited? Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's get down to business. (♩ ♪ ♫ To defeat the huns ♩ ♪ ♫) I just wanted to say how content I am with life. I have an amazing family and I love hanging out with them. I have awesome co-workers. (Which is super important because I spend a butt-load of time with them as you can tell from the above rant.) I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I'm excited to serve my mission. (Which my next post has more details of!) I have fantastic friends and my wisdom teeth are gone with no major backlash because of their removal. I feel like thats a major plus.
My mission papers are in! They have been sent off!!! In a few days my face will flash up on a big screen and the place for the next year and a half of my life will be decided! I am super excited and all sorts of giddy!!! I love it!!!