So at work I sat. I sat on a chair of green. This chair was comfy. I remained sat in this comfy chair of green. For hours. Hours and more hours. All by myself. No co-workers. However there was a spikeball in my night. This spike ball is short and bald. This spike ball frusterates the green chair sitter. The spike ball is gone. The lone green chair sitter remains. And sits some more.
The person in the chair is bored. There is nothing to do but sit in the chair. The chair is not comfy no more. The butt on the chair says so. The boredom seeps in deeper. Like an apple. It seeps in deeper like unto an apple. Weird. Do apples seep. Yep. They do. They have seeped deeply into our culture. You can see apples in art. Apples in media. Apples in food. Yeah I know they are inherently food. But still. When you eat them they seep into your intestinal tract and eventually seep into the soil. Apples seep. Boredom seeps.
Boredom also resembles an apple in the fact that it just sits there never acting unless acted upon. Boredom never happens unless acting ceases. Action ceases. Boredom is also a pretty color on the outside and a bland one on the inside. When your super busy it looks appetizing to be bored but when you partake you don't nessicerily like it. The end.
green cheerios i'm sorry you were bored... i hope next time is better...