Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Transfer 3 Week 4

How is it going my favorite people ever? Yes. That is right. I love you. Ok. Let the shock wear off. Alright now you can read on.
So this week was super fantastic. Normally we have 2 cancellations a day and this week we had 3 all week. It was so great!! And we topped it off with a wonderful baptism this weekend!!! Brandon got baptized! He is such a solid kid!!! I love him! I love that he is now enjoying the gift of the Holy Ghost! I love that now he is a member of the church! I love that he can enjoy these wonderful blessings in his life!! he has changed so much and it is seriously amazing to see! I was very blessed to begin teaching him. He was the kid we taught in the foyer of the temple. He truly is fantastic and has such a desire to learn. After his baptism, the family that he is friends with took him out for pizza and they invited us as well. It was lots of fun to eat pizza and be filled with so much joy! I could not imagine a better evening!!!
So last night we had dinner with a fantastic family whom I love so much! They always have such an energy in there home. It is beautiful chaos! They have five kids from 1 -12. The little girl loves to sit next to the missionaries every time we go over there. She is about 4. She loves to be hilarious. She says something, looks at me and says, "Is that funny?" and she also eats potatoes and ketsup with her hands. I felt as if I were in a danger zone. And they have a 10 yr old who was telling us that he decided to make third grade his spiritual year. Sis. Marble and I died inside it was so precious. And the little girl didn't want to eat her cauilflower like her mom asked her to. I asked her if she had ever tried it and she said "I ate it in heaven." It was amazingly adorable. I love them so much and wish all people every where to know such wonderful families.
Families are such an important vital part of the gospel. I feel so blessed to have so many families in my life. My immediate family whom I love so dearly and am so grateful I get to be with them forever. My 'friend' family. I love my friends so much, they have been a support and blessing in my life. My mission family. My companions that I have had so far really have impacted my life. I love my mission President and his wife so much. I love all the families and the members that we work with in this area of Grants Pass. I love Gods children. We can help lift one another through service, kind words and prayers. God never meant for us to go through this life alone. He truly wants us to seek him and as we do that we find ourselves helping and being lifted by others. The Lords plan truly is amazing! I love being apart of this, his restored gospel. I know that Joseph Smith truly did restore the church to the earth through the power of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and a true testament of Christ's divinity. I love the peace and the comfort I feel in times of need. I love the peace and the comfort that can be felt in the lives of others. Prayers are answered and God does indeed love each and everyone of his children.
Things I learned this week:
1. I am not a nun.
2. God watches out for his children.
3. God blesses his missionaries.
4. God blesses all his children as we continue to strive to do that which is right.
I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
Sis. Adair

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